We are a Wichita-area community for WordPress designers, developers, and content creators.
Join us to learn more about WordPress and how you can develop awesome websites with it or just hang out! Our goal is to develop the WordPress community in the Wichita area so we can all learn more about better ways to use it.
Join our group on meetup or Facebook to stay up-to-date on upcoming meetings and events.
We need people to help us organize! Contact us to find out how you can help plan upcoming meetups.
Share your WordPres experience! Let us know if you have a topic that you think would be a good fit.
Are you a WordPress Pro? Join us at meetups to help new users with issues or troubleshooting.
You can help support our group by donating items like food for meetups, equipment, or a meeting space.
Have questions about this group or ideas for an upcoming meetup? Use the form below to contact us today!